Thursday, November 10, 2022
Detect current URL and match with home page in wordpres
Monday, October 10, 2022
Fix Myql crash in XAMPP
Fix Mysql crash in XAMPP:
1. Go to xampp -> mysql folder
2. Copy data folder and paste and rename it to data_old
3. Go to data folder, and delete these 4 folders: mysql, performance_schema, phpmyadmin and test. Then delete all the files except ibdata1
4. Copy all files from mysql/backup folder, except ibdata1
5. Paste them to data folder
Start your Mysql server in Xampp.
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Fix Mysql table crashed in wordpress
Since this morning I get this below error:
Warning: mysqli_query(): (HY000/1194): Table 'wp_postmeta' is marked as crashed and should be repaired in C:\xampp\htdocs\wp_project\wp-includes\wp-db.php on line 2056
After that I logged into mysql terminal:
mysql -uroot -p
Then select database:
use wp_project
Then run the below command to fix the target table:
REPAIR TABLE wp_project.wp_postmeta;
And it solves the issue 👍
Saturday, September 3, 2022
Create Laravel project by composer with a specific version of Laravel
Create Laravel project with a specific Laravel version:
composer create-project laravel/laravel=
8.* your-project-name --prefer-dist
Here put your version number laravel/laravel=HERE.
Monday, August 22, 2022
Import SQL file into mysql database
Import SQL file into mysql database:
1. login into your mysql client by command line:
mysql -uroot -p [hit enter] and [give password]
2. Create database be below command:
create database name_of_your_datebase;
3. Select your database by below command:
use name_of_your_database;
4. Import command:
source path_of_your_sql_file;
Thursday, June 23, 2022
Get current date in JavaScript in String
Get current date in JavaScript in String with your desire format:
Friday, May 6, 2022
Test your android app from android studio without USB cable
Test your android app from android studio without USB cable:
- First connect your android phone to your pc/laptop.
- Open CMD and go to this location:
Here {YOUR_USER} will be your local user which you are using.
- In command prompt give these command: adb devices
To see all devices are connected
- Next command: adb tcpip 5555
- Next command: adb connect YOUR_IP
It will show your device is connected to YOUR_IP:5555
After that you can test your android in real android device without cable.
Suomen kieli (Imperfekti)
In Finnish, the imperfekti is the past tense that describes actions that happened in the past, like the English simple past (e.g., "I ...