Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Upcoming webinar list (WebinarPress)

Upcoming webinar list (WebinarPress)

// Upcoming webinars shortcode
function regf_display_upcoming_webinars() {
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'wswebinars',
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'meta_key' => '_wswebinar_gener_date',
'orderby' => 'meta_value',
'order' => 'ASC',
'meta_query' => array(
'key' => '_wswebinar_gener_date',
//'value' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), // Compare with the current date to get past webinars
'value' => date('Y-m-d'),
'compare' => '>', // Get webinars that occurred before the current date
'type' => 'DATETIME',

$query = new WP_Query($args);
$posts = $query->posts;

echo '<ul>';
echo '<h2 class="widget-title past-webinars-list-title">Upcoming Webinars</h2>';
if ($posts) {
foreach ($posts as $post) {

//echo '<a href="' . get_permalink($post->ID) . '">' . get_the_title($post->ID) . '</a><br>';
$meta_values_past_date = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_wswebinar_gener_date', true);
$meta_values_vurl = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_wswebinar_livep_vidurl', true);
echo get_the_title($post->ID) . ' ('. $meta_values_past_date .')' . ' - ' . '<a href="'. get_permalink($post->ID) .'">' . 'Join webinar' . '</a>' . '<br>';
else {
echo 'No upcoming webinar';
echo '</ul>';
return ob_get_clean();
add_shortcode('upcoming_webinars', 'regf_display_upcoming_webinars');

Past webinar list (WebinarPress)

List of past webinars:

// Past webinars shortcode
function regf_display_past_webinars() {
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'wswebinars',
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'meta_key' => '_wswebinar_gener_date',
'orderby' => 'meta_value',
'order' => 'ASC',
'meta_query' => array(
'key' => '_wswebinar_gener_date',
//'value' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
// Compare with the current date to get past webinars
'value' => date('Y-m-d'),
'compare' => '<',
// Get webinars that occurred before the current date
'type' => 'DATETIME',

$query = new WP_Query($args);
$posts = $query->posts;

echo '<ul>';
echo '<h2 class="widget-title">Past Webinars</h2>';
if ($posts) {
foreach ($posts as $post) {
//echo '<a href="' . get_permalink($post->ID) . '">' . get_the_title($post->ID) . '</a><br>';
$meta_values_past_date = get_post_meta($post->ID,
'_wswebinar_gener_date', true);
$meta_values_vurl = get_post_meta($post->ID,
'_wswebinar_livep_vidurl', true);
echo get_the_title($post->ID) . ' ('. $meta_values_past_date .')' . ' - '
. '<a href="'. $meta_values_vurl .'">' . 'Watch webinar' . '</a>' . '<br>';
else {
echo 'No past webinar';
echo '</ul>';
return ob_get_clean();
add_shortcode('past_webinars', 'regf_display_past_webinars');

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Suomen Kieli (Vuorokausi)

Suomen Kieli (Vuorokausi):

1. Aamu (Morning): This refers to early morning, usually around 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM.

2. Aamupäivä (Before noon): Late morning, approximately from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

3. Päivä (Daytime): Midday and early afternoon, typically from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM.

4. Iltapäivä (Afternoon): Late afternoon, usually around 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

5. Ilta (Evening): The evening period, from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM.

6. (Night): Nighttime, which generally starts around 9:00 PM and continues until 6:00 AM.

7. Aamuyö (Early morning hours): Early morning hours after midnight, typically from 12:00 AM to 6:00 AM.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Suomen Kieli (Kello)

In Finnish, telling time follows a specific structure, and understanding it can help you get the hang of the language. Here’s a guide with examples on how to tell the time in Finnish, both in the exact hour and when using half hours, quarters, and minutes.

Key Phrases to Know:

  • Kello on = "The time is" or "It’s"
  • Tasan = "Exactly" or "sharp"
  • Yli = "Past" (used when it’s past the hour)
  • Vaille = "To" (used when it’s before the next hour)
  • Puoli = "Half" (used for half-past the hour)
  • Minuutti = "Minute"

Exact Hour Examples (Tasan)

  1. 12:00 - Kello on tasan kaksitoista.
    (It’s exactly twelve o’clock.)

  2. 1:00 - Kello on tasan yksi.
    (It’s exactly one o’clock.)

  3. 5:00 - Kello on tasan viisi.
    (It’s exactly five o’clock.)

Half-Past the Hour (Puoli)

In Finnish, when you say half-past the hour, it is expressed as half to the next hour. For example, 4:30 is half-past four, but in Finnish, it’s "half to five."

  1. 4:30 - Kello on puoli viisi.
    (It’s half to five.)

  2. 8:30 - Kello on puoli yhdeksän.
    (It’s half to nine.)

  3. 11:30 - Kello on puoli kaksitoista.
    (It’s half to twelve.)

Minutes Past the Hour (Yli)

When telling time past the hour, yli means "past" the hour.

  1. 5:10 - Kello on kymmenen yli viisi.
    (It’s ten past five.)

  2. 9:15 - Kello on viisitoista yli yhdeksän.
    (It’s fifteen past nine.)

  3. 2:25 - Kello on kaksikymmentäviisi yli kaksi.
    (It’s twenty-five past two.)

Minutes to the Hour (Vaille)

When telling time before the hour, vaille means "to" the next hour.

  1. 3:45 - Kello on varttia vaille neljä.
    (It’s a quarter to four.)

  2. 7:50 - Kello on kymmentä vaille kahdeksan.
    (It’s ten to eight.)

  3. 1:55 - Kello on viittä vaille kaksi.
    (It’s five to two.)

Other Important Examples

  1. 6:15 - Kello on varttia yli kuusi.
    (It’s a quarter past six.)

  2. 10:45 - Kello on varttia vaille yksitoista.
    (It’s a quarter to eleven.)

  3. 12:05 - Kello on viisi yli kaksitoista.
    (It’s five past twelve.)

Summary of the Structure

  • For exact times: Kello on tasan [hour]
    Example: Kello on tasan kolme. (It’s exactly three.)

  • For half-past the hour: Kello on puoli [next hour]
    Example: Kello on puoli kuusi. (It’s half past five, or 5:30.)

  • For minutes past the hour: [Minutes] yli [hour]
    Example: Kello on kymmenen yli kolme. (It’s ten past three.)

  • For minutes to the hour: [Minutes] vaille [next hour]
    Example: Kello on kymmentä vaille kolme. (It’s ten to three.)

Thursday, September 26, 2024

24 hours (Suomen Kieli)

24-hour cycle ("vuorokausi" in Finnish) divided into different parts of the day. It explains the Finnish words for various times of the day and the respective forms used to describe "when" something happens.

Here’s a breakdown of the sections:

1. **Aamu (Morning)**
   - "aamu" = morning
   - "aamulla" = in the morning
   - "aamupäivä" = forenoon (late morning, before noon)
   - "aamupäivällä" = during the forenoon

2. **Päivä (Day)**
   - "päivä" = day
   - "päivällä" = during the day
   - "iltapäivä" = afternoon
   - "iltapäivällä" = in the afternoon

3. **Ilta (Evening)**
   - "ilta" = evening
   - "illalla" = in the evening

4. **Yö (Night)**
   - "yö" = night
   - "yöllä" = at night
   - "aamuyö" = early morning (the time between night and dawn)
   - "aamuyöllä" = during early morning

### Example:
- "Aamulla herään." = I wake up in the morning.
- "Päivällä syön lounasta." = I have lunch during the day.
- "Illalla katson elokuvaa." = I watch a movie in the evening.
- "Yöllä nukun." = I sleep at night.

This structure helps you express when activities happen during different parts of the day in Finnish.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Suomen Kieli (Partitiivi)

What is Partitiivi?

The partitiivi is a case in Finnish that is often used to show:

  1. Incomplete actions: “I am eating a cake” (but I haven’t finished it yet).
  2. Uncountable things: “water,” “some milk.”
  3. After negative sentences: “I don’t have money.”

In English, it’s similar to using some or any, like “I have some cake” or “I don’t have any money.”

How to Form the Partitiivi?

There are a few common ways to form the partitiivi, depending on the word.

1. Add -a / -ä for most words ending in a consonant (like talo = house):

  • Talo (house) → Taloa (some house)
  • Auto (car) → Autoa (some car)

2. Add -ta / -tä for some other words:

  • Mies (man) → Miestä (some man)
  • Kissa (cat) → Kissaa (some cat)

3. Add -tta / -ttä for words ending in nen (like nainen = woman):

  • Nainen (woman) → Naista (some woman)

When to Use Partitiivi?

  1. With Incomplete Actions:

    • Syön kakkua = I am eating (some) cake.
    • Odotan bussia = I am waiting for the bus.
      (You haven’t finished eating or waiting yet.)
  2. With Negative Sentences:

    • En syö kakkua = I am not eating cake.
    • Minulla ei ole rahaa = I don’t have money.
  3. When talking about Uncountable Things or Undefined Amounts:

    • Juo maitoa = Drink (some) milk.
    • Ostan kahvia = I’m buying (some) coffee.
  4. With Numbers (for multiples):

    • Minulla on kaksi koiraa = I have two dogs. (Notice that koira becomes koiraa after the number.)

Singular vs. Plural:

  • Singular:
    • Koira (dog) → Koiraa (some dog)
  • Plural:
    • Koirat (dogs) → Koiria (some dogs)

Quick Examples:

  1. Juon vettä = I drink (some) water.
  2. Haluan omenaa = I want (some) apple.
  3. Ei ole rahaa = There is no money.

Quick Exercise:

Try to form the partitiivi of these words:

  1. Talo (house) → ?
  2. Kakku (cake) → ?
  3. Kissa (cat) → ?


  1. Taloa = Some house
  2. Kakkua = Some cake
  3. Kissaa = Some cat

Key Points:

  • -a / -ä for most singular words.
  • Use partitiivi for unfinished actions, negatives, uncountable things, and numbers.
  • It often translates to “some” or “any” in English.

Suomen Kieli (Genetiivi)

What is Genetiivi?

Genetiivi is the possessive form in Finnish, and it’s used to show ownership or belonging. It’s similar to adding ’s or of in English. For example, "the dog’s toy" or "the name of the book."

How to Form the Genetiivi?

For most words, you add an -n to the basic form (nominative) of the word.


  1. Koira (dog) → Koiran (the dog's)
  2. Talo (house) → Talon (the house's)

How to Use Genetiivi?

  1. To show possession:

    • Koiran lelu = The dog’s toy.
    • Talon katto = The roof of the house.
  2. With certain verbs:

    • Odotan bussia = I’m waiting for the bus. (Bussibussia in this case.)
  3. With prepositions and postpositions:

    • Auton takana = Behind the car.
    • Taloon asti = Until the house.

Singular and Plural:

  • Singular: Add -n to the nominative.
    • TaloTalon = House’s
  • Plural: Add -en to the plural nominative.
    • TalotTalojen = Houses’

Irregular Examples:

Some words have exceptions or slight changes:

  • Mies (man) → Miehen (the man’s)
  • Vesi (water) → Veden (the water's)

Quick Exercise:

Try to form the genetiivi of these words:

  1. Kirja (book) → ?
  2. Auto (car) → ?
  3. Nainen (woman) → ?


  1. Kirjan = The book’s
  2. Auton = The car’s
  3. Naisen = The woman’s

Key Points:

  • Add -n for singular possession.
  • Add -en for plural possession.
  • Use it to show who or what owns something.

Upcoming webinar list (WebinarPress)

Upcoming webinar list (WebinarPress) // Upcoming webinars shortcode function regf_display_upcoming_webinars () { $args = array ( ...