Thursday, September 26, 2024

24 hours (Suomen Kieli)

24-hour cycle ("vuorokausi" in Finnish) divided into different parts of the day. It explains the Finnish words for various times of the day and the respective forms used to describe "when" something happens.

Here’s a breakdown of the sections:

1. **Aamu (Morning)**
   - "aamu" = morning
   - "aamulla" = in the morning
   - "aamupäivä" = forenoon (late morning, before noon)
   - "aamupäivällä" = during the forenoon

2. **Päivä (Day)**
   - "päivä" = day
   - "päivällä" = during the day
   - "iltapäivä" = afternoon
   - "iltapäivällä" = in the afternoon

3. **Ilta (Evening)**
   - "ilta" = evening
   - "illalla" = in the evening

4. **Yö (Night)**
   - "yö" = night
   - "yöllä" = at night
   - "aamuyö" = early morning (the time between night and dawn)
   - "aamuyöllä" = during early morning

### Example:
- "Aamulla herään." = I wake up in the morning.
- "Päivällä syön lounasta." = I have lunch during the day.
- "Illalla katson elokuvaa." = I watch a movie in the evening.
- "Yöllä nukun." = I sleep at night.

This structure helps you express when activities happen during different parts of the day in Finnish.

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