Thursday, November 14, 2024

Suomen kieli (Imperfekti)

In Finnish, the imperfekti is the past tense that describes actions that happened in the past, like the English simple past (e.g., "I walked," "I saw"). It’s used for actions that are completed or that took place at a specific time.

Here's how to form the imperfekti and some examples:

Formation of Imperfekti

  1. Start with the basic form (verb stem) of the verb.
  2. Add a past tense marker, usually -i-, and sometimes adjust vowels or consonants as needed.
  3. Add the appropriate personal ending.


  1. Verb: asua (to live)

    • Stem: asu-
    • Imperfekti: asuin (I lived)
    • Sentences:
      • Minä asuin Helsingissä. (I lived in Helsinki.)
      • Hän asui Suomessa. (He/she lived in Finland.)
  2. Verb: syödä (to eat)

    • Stem: syö-
    • Imperfekti: söin (I ate)
    • Sentences:
      • Me söimme pizzaa eilen. (We ate pizza yesterday.)
      • Hän söi omenan. (He/she ate an apple.)
  3. Verb: juoda (to drink)

    • Stem: juo-
    • Imperfekti: join (I drank)
    • Sentences:
      • Join kahvia aamulla. (I drank coffee in the morning.)
      • He joivat teetä iltapäivällä. (They drank tea in the afternoon.)
  4. Verb: kävellä (to walk)

    • Stem: kävele-
    • Imperfekti: kävelin (I walked)
    • Sentences:
      • Kävelin puistossa. (I walked in the park.)
      • He kävelivät rannalla. (They walked on the beach.)

Irregular Verbs

Some verbs have changes in their stems or are irregular:

  • Verb: olla (to be)

    • Imperfekti: olin (I was)
    • Example: Olin kotona koko päivän. (I was at home all day.)
  • Verb: tehdä (to do)

    • Imperfekti: teki (he/she did)
    • Example: Hän teki läksyt nopeasti. (He/she did the homework quickly.)

Practice with Easy Sentences

  1. Eilen satoi vettä. (It rained yesterday.)
  2. Hän kirjoitti kirjeen. (He/she wrote a letter.)
  3. Katsoimme elokuvan illalla. (We watched a movie in the evening.)
  4. Lapset leikkivät ulkona. (The children played outside.)

Monday, October 28, 2024

Suomen Kieli (Taalla, Tuolla, Siella)

In Finnish, location-based words like "täällä," "tuolla," and "siellä" help describe where something is relative to the speaker or listener. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  1. Täällä = "Here" (Close to the speaker)
  2. Tuolla = "There" (In sight but not very close to the speaker)
  3. Siellä = "Over there" or "There" (Far from both the speaker and listener)

Easy Examples

Imagine a park, where:

  • You (the speaker) are sitting on a bench.
  • A friend is standing by a tree a little distance away.
  • A playground is visible but further away.

1. Täällä (Here)

  • You’re sitting on a bench and want to say, "I am here on the bench."
  • In Finnish, you’d say, "Minä olen täällä penkillä."
  • Täällä refers to the place close to you (the speaker).

2. Tuolla (There)

  • You point to your friend who’s standing by the tree, a little bit away from you.
  • You’d say, "Hän on tuolla puun luona."
  • Tuolla describes a place a bit away from you but still visible.

3. Siellä (Over there/There)

  • Now you point to the playground further away.
  • You’d say, "Leikkipaikka on siellä."
  • Siellä refers to a place far away from both you and your friend.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Upcoming webinar list (WebinarPress)

Upcoming webinar list (WebinarPress)

// Upcoming webinars shortcode
function regf_display_upcoming_webinars() {
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'wswebinars',
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'meta_key' => '_wswebinar_gener_date',
'orderby' => 'meta_value',
'order' => 'ASC',
'meta_query' => array(
'key' => '_wswebinar_gener_date',
//'value' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), // Compare with the current date to get past webinars
'value' => date('Y-m-d'),
'compare' => '>', // Get webinars that occurred before the current date
'type' => 'DATETIME',

$query = new WP_Query($args);
$posts = $query->posts;

echo '<ul>';
echo '<h2 class="widget-title past-webinars-list-title">Upcoming Webinars</h2>';
if ($posts) {
foreach ($posts as $post) {

//echo '<a href="' . get_permalink($post->ID) . '">' . get_the_title($post->ID) . '</a><br>';
$meta_values_past_date = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_wswebinar_gener_date', true);
$meta_values_vurl = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_wswebinar_livep_vidurl', true);
echo get_the_title($post->ID) . ' ('. $meta_values_past_date .')' . ' - ' . '<a href="'. get_permalink($post->ID) .'">' . 'Join webinar' . '</a>' . '<br>';
else {
echo 'No upcoming webinar';
echo '</ul>';
return ob_get_clean();
add_shortcode('upcoming_webinars', 'regf_display_upcoming_webinars');

Past webinar list (WebinarPress)

List of past webinars:

// Past webinars shortcode
function regf_display_past_webinars() {
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'wswebinars',
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'meta_key' => '_wswebinar_gener_date',
'orderby' => 'meta_value',
'order' => 'ASC',
'meta_query' => array(
'key' => '_wswebinar_gener_date',
//'value' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
// Compare with the current date to get past webinars
'value' => date('Y-m-d'),
'compare' => '<',
// Get webinars that occurred before the current date
'type' => 'DATETIME',

$query = new WP_Query($args);
$posts = $query->posts;

echo '<ul>';
echo '<h2 class="widget-title">Past Webinars</h2>';
if ($posts) {
foreach ($posts as $post) {
//echo '<a href="' . get_permalink($post->ID) . '">' . get_the_title($post->ID) . '</a><br>';
$meta_values_past_date = get_post_meta($post->ID,
'_wswebinar_gener_date', true);
$meta_values_vurl = get_post_meta($post->ID,
'_wswebinar_livep_vidurl', true);
echo get_the_title($post->ID) . ' ('. $meta_values_past_date .')' . ' - '
. '<a href="'. $meta_values_vurl .'">' . 'Watch webinar' . '</a>' . '<br>';
else {
echo 'No past webinar';
echo '</ul>';
return ob_get_clean();
add_shortcode('past_webinars', 'regf_display_past_webinars');

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Suomen Kieli (Vuorokausi)

Suomen Kieli (Vuorokausi):

1. Aamu (Morning): This refers to early morning, usually around 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM.

2. Aamupäivä (Before noon): Late morning, approximately from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

3. Päivä (Daytime): Midday and early afternoon, typically from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM.

4. Iltapäivä (Afternoon): Late afternoon, usually around 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

5. Ilta (Evening): The evening period, from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM.

6. (Night): Nighttime, which generally starts around 9:00 PM and continues until 6:00 AM.

7. Aamuyö (Early morning hours): Early morning hours after midnight, typically from 12:00 AM to 6:00 AM.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Suomen Kieli (Kello)

In Finnish, telling time follows a specific structure, and understanding it can help you get the hang of the language. Here’s a guide with examples on how to tell the time in Finnish, both in the exact hour and when using half hours, quarters, and minutes.

Key Phrases to Know:

  • Kello on = "The time is" or "It’s"
  • Tasan = "Exactly" or "sharp"
  • Yli = "Past" (used when it’s past the hour)
  • Vaille = "To" (used when it’s before the next hour)
  • Puoli = "Half" (used for half-past the hour)
  • Minuutti = "Minute"

Exact Hour Examples (Tasan)

  1. 12:00 - Kello on tasan kaksitoista.
    (It’s exactly twelve o’clock.)

  2. 1:00 - Kello on tasan yksi.
    (It’s exactly one o’clock.)

  3. 5:00 - Kello on tasan viisi.
    (It’s exactly five o’clock.)

Half-Past the Hour (Puoli)

In Finnish, when you say half-past the hour, it is expressed as half to the next hour. For example, 4:30 is half-past four, but in Finnish, it’s "half to five."

  1. 4:30 - Kello on puoli viisi.
    (It’s half to five.)

  2. 8:30 - Kello on puoli yhdeksän.
    (It’s half to nine.)

  3. 11:30 - Kello on puoli kaksitoista.
    (It’s half to twelve.)

Minutes Past the Hour (Yli)

When telling time past the hour, yli means "past" the hour.

  1. 5:10 - Kello on kymmenen yli viisi.
    (It’s ten past five.)

  2. 9:15 - Kello on viisitoista yli yhdeksän.
    (It’s fifteen past nine.)

  3. 2:25 - Kello on kaksikymmentäviisi yli kaksi.
    (It’s twenty-five past two.)

Minutes to the Hour (Vaille)

When telling time before the hour, vaille means "to" the next hour.

  1. 3:45 - Kello on varttia vaille neljä.
    (It’s a quarter to four.)

  2. 7:50 - Kello on kymmentä vaille kahdeksan.
    (It’s ten to eight.)

  3. 1:55 - Kello on viittä vaille kaksi.
    (It’s five to two.)

Other Important Examples

  1. 6:15 - Kello on varttia yli kuusi.
    (It’s a quarter past six.)

  2. 10:45 - Kello on varttia vaille yksitoista.
    (It’s a quarter to eleven.)

  3. 12:05 - Kello on viisi yli kaksitoista.
    (It’s five past twelve.)

Summary of the Structure

  • For exact times: Kello on tasan [hour]
    Example: Kello on tasan kolme. (It’s exactly three.)

  • For half-past the hour: Kello on puoli [next hour]
    Example: Kello on puoli kuusi. (It’s half past five, or 5:30.)

  • For minutes past the hour: [Minutes] yli [hour]
    Example: Kello on kymmenen yli kolme. (It’s ten past three.)

  • For minutes to the hour: [Minutes] vaille [next hour]
    Example: Kello on kymmentä vaille kolme. (It’s ten to three.)

Thursday, September 26, 2024

24 hours (Suomen Kieli)

24-hour cycle ("vuorokausi" in Finnish) divided into different parts of the day. It explains the Finnish words for various times of the day and the respective forms used to describe "when" something happens.

Here’s a breakdown of the sections:

1. **Aamu (Morning)**
   - "aamu" = morning
   - "aamulla" = in the morning
   - "aamupäivä" = forenoon (late morning, before noon)
   - "aamupäivällä" = during the forenoon

2. **Päivä (Day)**
   - "päivä" = day
   - "päivällä" = during the day
   - "iltapäivä" = afternoon
   - "iltapäivällä" = in the afternoon

3. **Ilta (Evening)**
   - "ilta" = evening
   - "illalla" = in the evening

4. **Yö (Night)**
   - "yö" = night
   - "yöllä" = at night
   - "aamuyö" = early morning (the time between night and dawn)
   - "aamuyöllä" = during early morning

### Example:
- "Aamulla herään." = I wake up in the morning.
- "Päivällä syön lounasta." = I have lunch during the day.
- "Illalla katson elokuvaa." = I watch a movie in the evening.
- "Yöllä nukun." = I sleep at night.

This structure helps you express when activities happen during different parts of the day in Finnish.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Suomen Kieli (Partitiivi)

What is Partitiivi?

The partitiivi is a case in Finnish that is often used to show:

  1. Incomplete actions: “I am eating a cake” (but I haven’t finished it yet).
  2. Uncountable things: “water,” “some milk.”
  3. After negative sentences: “I don’t have money.”

In English, it’s similar to using some or any, like “I have some cake” or “I don’t have any money.”

How to Form the Partitiivi?

There are a few common ways to form the partitiivi, depending on the word.

1. Add -a / -ä for most words ending in a consonant (like talo = house):

  • Talo (house) → Taloa (some house)
  • Auto (car) → Autoa (some car)

2. Add -ta / -tä for some other words:

  • Mies (man) → Miestä (some man)
  • Kissa (cat) → Kissaa (some cat)

3. Add -tta / -ttä for words ending in nen (like nainen = woman):

  • Nainen (woman) → Naista (some woman)

When to Use Partitiivi?

  1. With Incomplete Actions:

    • Syön kakkua = I am eating (some) cake.
    • Odotan bussia = I am waiting for the bus.
      (You haven’t finished eating or waiting yet.)
  2. With Negative Sentences:

    • En syö kakkua = I am not eating cake.
    • Minulla ei ole rahaa = I don’t have money.
  3. When talking about Uncountable Things or Undefined Amounts:

    • Juo maitoa = Drink (some) milk.
    • Ostan kahvia = I’m buying (some) coffee.
  4. With Numbers (for multiples):

    • Minulla on kaksi koiraa = I have two dogs. (Notice that koira becomes koiraa after the number.)

Singular vs. Plural:

  • Singular:
    • Koira (dog) → Koiraa (some dog)
  • Plural:
    • Koirat (dogs) → Koiria (some dogs)

Quick Examples:

  1. Juon vettä = I drink (some) water.
  2. Haluan omenaa = I want (some) apple.
  3. Ei ole rahaa = There is no money.

Quick Exercise:

Try to form the partitiivi of these words:

  1. Talo (house) → ?
  2. Kakku (cake) → ?
  3. Kissa (cat) → ?


  1. Taloa = Some house
  2. Kakkua = Some cake
  3. Kissaa = Some cat

Key Points:

  • -a / -ä for most singular words.
  • Use partitiivi for unfinished actions, negatives, uncountable things, and numbers.
  • It often translates to “some” or “any” in English.

Suomen Kieli (Genetiivi)

What is Genetiivi?

Genetiivi is the possessive form in Finnish, and it’s used to show ownership or belonging. It’s similar to adding ’s or of in English. For example, "the dog’s toy" or "the name of the book."

How to Form the Genetiivi?

For most words, you add an -n to the basic form (nominative) of the word.


  1. Koira (dog) → Koiran (the dog's)
  2. Talo (house) → Talon (the house's)

How to Use Genetiivi?

  1. To show possession:

    • Koiran lelu = The dog’s toy.
    • Talon katto = The roof of the house.
  2. With certain verbs:

    • Odotan bussia = I’m waiting for the bus. (Bussibussia in this case.)
  3. With prepositions and postpositions:

    • Auton takana = Behind the car.
    • Taloon asti = Until the house.

Singular and Plural:

  • Singular: Add -n to the nominative.
    • TaloTalon = House’s
  • Plural: Add -en to the plural nominative.
    • TalotTalojen = Houses’

Irregular Examples:

Some words have exceptions or slight changes:

  • Mies (man) → Miehen (the man’s)
  • Vesi (water) → Veden (the water's)

Quick Exercise:

Try to form the genetiivi of these words:

  1. Kirja (book) → ?
  2. Auto (car) → ?
  3. Nainen (woman) → ?


  1. Kirjan = The book’s
  2. Auton = The car’s
  3. Naisen = The woman’s

Key Points:

  • Add -n for singular possession.
  • Add -en for plural possession.
  • Use it to show who or what owns something.

Turn off all updates from wordpress website

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add_filter('auto_update_plugin', '__return_false');
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function uniquename_remove_core_updates() {
global $wp_version;
return (object) array('last_checked' => time(), 'version_checked' => $wp_version);

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remove_action('load-update-core.php', 'wp_update_plugins');
add_filter('pre_site_transient_update_plugins', '__return_null');

add_action('admin_init', 'uniquename_remove_plugin_updates');

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add_filter('pre_site_transient_update_themes', '__return_null');

add_action('admin_init', 'uniquename_remove_theme_updates');

.:Happy coding:.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Suomen Kieli (Olla-verbi)

Write olla-verbi rules with easy examples with mina, sina, han, me, te, he

The verb "olla" (to be) is one of the most important verbs in Finnish. It is used to indicate existence, identity, location, and characteristics. Below are the conjugation rules for the verb "olla" with personal pronouns in the present tense, along with easy examples for each pronoun.

Conjugation of "Olla" in Present Tense

PronounConjugationEnglish Translation
minäolenI am
sinäoletyou are
hänonhe/she is
meolemmewe are
teoletteyou are (plural/formal)
heovatthey are

Examples with Personal Pronouns

1. Minä olen (I am)

  • Example: Minä olen opettaja.
    (I am a teacher.)

2. Sinä olet (You are, singular)

  • Example: Sinä olet opiskelija.
    (You are a student.)

3. Hän on (He/She is)

  • Example: Hän on kotona.
    (He/She is at home.)

4. Me olemme (We are)

  • Example: Me olemme ystäviä.
    (We are friends.)

5. Te olette (You are, plural/formal)

  • Example: Te olette nyt kurssilla.
    (You are now in the course.)

6. He ovat (They are)

  • Example: He ovat Helsingissä.
    (They are in Helsinki.)

Additional Notes

  • The verb "olla" is irregular and does not follow the typical Finnish verb conjugation pattern.
  • In addition to the present tense, "olla" is also commonly used in forming other tenses and constructions, such as the perfect tense ("minä olen ollut" - "I have been") and the future sense (implied by context in Finnish).

The verb "olla" is fundamental for constructing basic sentences and expressing states of being in Finnish, so understanding these rules and examples is key for beginners.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Suomen kieli (Vokaaliharmonia. Tuleeko ssa vai ssä)

Vokaaliharmonia in Finnish – An Easy Guide

Vokaaliharmonia (vowel harmony) is one of the key features in Finnish grammar. It means that certain vowels in a word dictate which vowels can appear in suffixes or endings attached to that word. This rule helps maintain the natural flow and sound of the language.

How Vokaaliharmonia Works

Finnish vowels are divided into three groups:

  1. Front vowels: ä, ö, y
  2. Back vowels: a, o, u
  3. Neutral vowels: e, i

Vowel Harmony Rules:

  1. Front vowels (ä, ö, y) can only appear with other front vowels in the word and its suffixes.

    • Example: hämärä (dim) → hämärässä (in the dim light)
  2. Back vowels (a, o, u) can only appear with other back vowels in the word and its suffixes.

    • Example: talo (house) → talossa (in the house)
  3. Neutral vowels (e, i) can appear with either front or back vowels but do not influence vowel harmony.

    • Example with front vowels: tyttö (girl) → tytössä (in the girl)
    • Example with back vowels: kissa (cat) → kissassa (in the cat)

Suffixes and Vowel Harmony

When you add suffixes to Finnish words (for example, to show location or possession), the vowels in the suffix must match the vowels in the base word.

  • If a word contains front vowels (ä, ö, y), the suffix will use front vowels.
  • If a word contains back vowels (a, o, u), the suffix will use back vowels.


  • Back vowel word: pallo (ball) → pallossa (in the ball)
  • Front vowel word: kynä (pen) → kynässä (in the pen)

Notice that pallo takes -ssa while kynä takes -ssä because the first word has back vowels, and the second has front vowels.

Words with Neutral Vowels

When a word contains only neutral vowels (e, i), the vowel harmony depends on any additional vowels in the word:

  • Front vowel suffix: if the word has only e and i but also front vowels (ä, ö, y).
  • Back vowel suffix: if the word has only e and i but also back vowels (a, o, u).


  • tie (road) → tiellä (on the road) – neutral vowels i, e take the front vowel suffix.
  • talo (house) → talossa (in the house) – neutral vowel i follows the back vowel harmony of a, o.

Common Suffixes Using Vowel Harmony

  • Inessive (where something is):

    • Back vowel: -ssa (e.g., talossa - in the house)
    • Front vowel: -ssä (e.g., kynässä - in the pen)
  • Elative (from somewhere):

    • Back vowel: -sta (e.g., talosta - from the house)
    • Front vowel: -stä (e.g., kynästä - from the pen)
  • Genitive (possession):

    • Back vowel: -n (e.g., talotalon - of the house)
    • Front vowel: -n (e.g., kynäkynän - of the pen)

Summary of Vowel Harmony in Finnish:

  • Words with back vowels (a, o, u) take suffixes with back vowels.
  • Words with front vowels (ä, ö, y) take suffixes with front vowels.
  • Neutral vowels (e, i) do not affect vowel harmony but follow the dominant vowel type of the word.

Mina + asun... + ssa / ssä

1. Vaasa ___ = Vaasassa
2. Jyväskylä ___ = Jyväskylässä
3. Kotka ___ = Kotkassa
4. Pori ___ = Porissa
5. Mäntsälä ___ = Mäntsälässä
6. Li ___ = Lissa

See the word contains back vowel or front vowel and based on that put ssa or ssä.

Suomen kieli (Yhdyssanat. Tuleeko a vai ä)

In Finnish, the decision to use "a" or "ä" in compound words (yhdyssanat) depends on the vowel harmony rules, which are central to Finnish spelling and pronunciation. Here’s how it works:

Vowel Harmony in Finnish

Finnish vowels are divided into two groups based on vowel harmony:

  • Front vowels: ä, ö, y
  • Back vowels: a, o, u
  • Neutral vowels: e, i

Rule for Compound Words

When forming a compound word, the vowels in the suffix or the second part of the compound must match the vowel harmony of the first part.

  1. Back vowels (a, o, u):

    • If the first part of the compound word contains any back vowels (a, o, u), the suffix or the second part of the word should also use back vowels.
    • Example:
      • Pöytä (table) + lamppu (lamp) = Pöytälamppua (table lamp)
  2. Front vowels (ä, ö, y):

    • If the first part of the compound word contains any front vowels (ä, ö, y), the suffix or the second part of the word should also use front vowels.
    • Example:
      • ruoka (food) + pöytä (table) = Ruokapöytä (food table)
  3. Neutral vowels (e, i):

    • Neutral vowels (e, i) can be combined with either front or back vowels, depending on the other vowels present in the word.
    • Example:
      • meri (sea) + mies (man) = merimies (seaman)


Some compound words are borrowed from other languages or have irregular vowel harmony, but these are rare.

By following these rules, you can determine whether to use "a" or "ä" in the compound words.

Here’s a detailed explanation for more words:

Pöytälamppu - The correct choice is "a".

"Pöytä" contains front vowels (ö, ä), but "lamppu" contains back vowels (a, u). Because "lamppu" dominates the vowel harmony rule for the suffix, "a" is used.

Ruokapöytä - The correct choice is "ä".

Both "ruoka" (a, o) and "pöytä" (ö, ä) are part of the compound word, but since "pöytä" ends with "ä", you continue with "ä".

Rullaverho - The correct choice is "a".

"Rulla" (u, a) and "verho" (o) both contain back vowels. The suffix that follows should have "a" to match the back vowels.

Vaatekaappi - The correct choice is "a".

"Vaate" (a) and "kaappi" (a) both contain back vowels, so "a" is used to maintain harmony.

Kirjahylly - The correct choice is "ä".

"Kirja" (i, a) has mixed vowels, but "hylly" (y) has front vowels. The suffix that follows should use "ä" to match the front vowels.

Parisänky - The correct choice is "ä".

"Pari" (a) and "sänky" (ä, y) have a combination of vowels, with the second part having front vowels. So, "ä" is used to maintain vowel harmony.

Työtuoli - The correct choice is "a".

"Työ" (ö) contains a front vowel, but "tuoli" (o) contains back vowels, making "a" the correct choice for vowel harmony.

Päiväpeitto - The correct choice is "a".

"Päivä" (ä, i) contains front vowels, but "peitto" (o) contains back vowels. Therefore, "a" is used to maintain vowel harmony.

Summary: The choice between "a" and "ä" in the blanks is based on the vowel harmony of the words. If the word contains back vowels (a, o, u), "a" is used. If the word contains front vowels (ä, ö, y), "ä" is used. This rule helps ensure that words in Finnish are phonetically harmonious.

Suomen Kieli (Kysymys)


1. Kuka?

Question: Kuka sinä olet?
Translation: Who are you?
Usage: "Kuka" is used to ask about a person’s identity. It’s typically used when you want to know who someone is.

2. Mikä?

Question: Mikä tämä on?
Translation: What is this?
Usage: "Mikä" is used to ask about the identity of a thing or concept. It’s typically used when you want to know what something is.

3. Mitä?

Question: Mitä sinä teet?
Translation: What are you doing?
Usage: "Mitä" is used to ask about an action or activity. It’s often used when you want to know what someone is doing.

4. Milloin?

Question: Milloin tapaamme?
Translation: When will we meet?
Usage: "Milloin" is used to ask about time. It’s used when you want to know when something will happen.

5. Minkämaalainen?

Question: Minkämaalainen sinä olet?
Translation: What is your nationality?
Usage: "Minkämaalainen" is used to ask about someone’s nationality or country of origin.

6. Missä?

Question: Missä sinä asut?
Translation: Where do you live?
Usage: "Missä" is used to ask about location. It’s used when you want to know where something or someone is.

7. Mistä?

Question: Mistä sinä tulet?
Translation: Where are you coming from?
Usage: "Mistä" is used to ask about the origin or source of something. It’s typically used to inquire where someone or something is coming from.

8. Mihin?

Question: Mihin sinä menet?
Translation: Where are you going?
Usage: "Mihin" is used to ask about the direction or destination. It’s used when you want to know where someone or something is headed.

9. Miksi?

Question: Miksi sinä olet täällä?
Translation: Why are you here?
Usage: "Miksi" is used to ask about the reason or cause of something. It’s used when you want to know why something is happening.

10. Kuinka?

Question: Kuinka vanha sinä olet?
Translation: How old are you?
Usage: "Kuinka" is used to ask about the manner, degree, or extent of something. It’s often used with questions about quantities or measurements.

11. Miten?

Question: Miten sinä voit?
Translation: How are you?
Usage: "Miten" is used to ask about the manner or way in which something is done. It’s typically used to inquire how someone is feeling or how something is done.

Summary of Usage:

  • Kuka: To ask about a person’s identity.
  • Mikä: To ask about what something is.
  • Mitä: To ask about an action.
  • Milloin: To ask about time.
  • Minkämaalainen: To ask about nationality.
  • Missä: To ask about a location.
  • Mistä: To ask about the origin.
  • Mihin: To ask about the destination.
  • Miksi: To ask about the reason.
  • Kuinka: To ask about quantity or degree.
  • Miten: To ask about the manner or way.

These words are essential for forming questions in Finnish and are used based on the context of what information you are seeking.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Change priority of dual boot OS

Change priority of dual boot OS  (Windows and Linux):

Go to your Linux OS, install Grub customizer.

Then change priority by up and down arrow key and press save.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Show your current git branch name in Ubuntu or Zorin terminal

Put the below lines to .bashrc script:
Note: bashrc file will be found here: ~/.bashrc

# Show git branch name
parse_git_branch() {
 git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/(\1)/'
if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then
 PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[01;31m\]$(parse_git_branch)\[\033[00m\]\$ '
 PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w$(parse_git_branch)\$ '
unset color_prompt force_color_prompt

Then hit save and enjoy!

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Make your window center in Ubuntu or Zorin OS

Make your window center in Ubuntu or Zorin OS by below command:

gsettings set org.gnome.mutter center-new-windows true

Hit enter

You're done!

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Switch PHP version in Ubuntu OS or Zorin OS

First check where is installed your PHP by the below command:
$ which php

See PHP version by below command:
$ php -v

As I've installed PHP version 7.4 and 8.1. I will try to install another PHP version 
and that is 8.2, then we'll switch from 8.1 to 8.2.

Add a software package to install new version or older version of PHP by below command:
$ sudo apt install software-properties-common

Now run the below command to add that repository:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php

Now install PHP 8.2 by below command:
$ sudo apt install php8.2

Now you need to switch PHP version, first run by below command to see PHP list:
$ sudo update-alternatives --config php

And then finally you can switch PHP version by entering selection number and hit enter.

.:Happy Coding:.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Install LAMP stack on Linux(Ubuntu OS, Zorin OS etc) for local development environment

Step 1:
Install apache2 by below command:

sudo apt install apache2

Step 2:
Install PHP 7.4:
First, need to enable/add a package for php 7.4 by below command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
sudo apt update
sudo apt install php7.4 php7.4-cli php7.4-common php7.4-json php7.4-opcache php7.4-mysql php7.4-mbstring php7.4-curl php7.4-xml

By the below command, you can change PHP version if you have multiple versions of PHP:

sudo update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php7.4

Restart apache server:

sudo systemctl restart apache2

Step 3:
Install composer by below command:

sudo apt install composer

Step 4:
Apache document root folder is: /var/www/html
No write permission to this html folder.
Run below command to change ownership of this html folder:

sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/www/html

Step 5:
Add user to apache server by below command:

sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

Need to change these below two lines with your linux user name:


User $USER
Group $USER

Save and restart apache service:

sudo service apache2 restart

Step 6:
Install Mysql Database by below command:

sudo apt install mysql-server

Now secure Mysql by below command:

sudo mysql_secure_installation

N, Y, Y, Y, Y

Add Mysql root password permission:

sudo mysql
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'your password';

Step 7:
Install phpmyadmin
Go to and download zip to /var/www/html folder 
and unzip it and rename to phpmyadmin.
Then access phpmyadmin with this URL: http://localhost/phpmyadmin

You will get phpmyadmin login page.

Few important commands to switch PHP version:

sudo update-alternatives --config php
sudo a2dismod php8.1
sudo a2enmod php7.4
sudo service apache2 restart

Sometimes you may face 404 not found in all inner pages of your websites 
then follow below step to solve it:
Open /etc/apache2/apache2.conf by below command:

sudo gedit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

then edit below line specially AllowOverride none to AllowOverride All:

<Directory /var/www/html>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted

Then save and restart apache.

.:The End:.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Screen unblank in Zorin OS

If you press Super + L then Zorin OS goes to the lock screen and turns off your display.

But if you want to stay displayed ON, on your lock screen then you need to install extension manager first and then you need to install the below extension:

With the above extension, you can keep the screen turned ON on your Zorin OS.

Suomen kieli (Imperfekti)

In Finnish, the imperfekti is the past tense that describes actions that happened in the past, like the English simple past (e.g., "I ...