Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Suomen Kieli (Genetiivi)

What is Genetiivi?

Genetiivi is the possessive form in Finnish, and it’s used to show ownership or belonging. It’s similar to adding ’s or of in English. For example, "the dog’s toy" or "the name of the book."

How to Form the Genetiivi?

For most words, you add an -n to the basic form (nominative) of the word.


  1. Koira (dog) → Koiran (the dog's)
  2. Talo (house) → Talon (the house's)

How to Use Genetiivi?

  1. To show possession:

    • Koiran lelu = The dog’s toy.
    • Talon katto = The roof of the house.
  2. With certain verbs:

    • Odotan bussia = I’m waiting for the bus. (Bussibussia in this case.)
  3. With prepositions and postpositions:

    • Auton takana = Behind the car.
    • Taloon asti = Until the house.

Singular and Plural:

  • Singular: Add -n to the nominative.
    • TaloTalon = House’s
  • Plural: Add -en to the plural nominative.
    • TalotTalojen = Houses’

Irregular Examples:

Some words have exceptions or slight changes:

  • Mies (man) → Miehen (the man’s)
  • Vesi (water) → Veden (the water's)

Quick Exercise:

Try to form the genetiivi of these words:

  1. Kirja (book) → ?
  2. Auto (car) → ?
  3. Nainen (woman) → ?


  1. Kirjan = The book’s
  2. Auton = The car’s
  3. Naisen = The woman’s

Key Points:

  • Add -n for singular possession.
  • Add -en for plural possession.
  • Use it to show who or what owns something.

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